Tea Tree Oil for Cleaning: Does It Work?

If you want to switch to a more environment-friendly and conscientious manner of cleaning your house, you may already be looking at non-chemical cleaning solutions. There are many advantages and applications for tea tree oil in and around the house, and it is a cheap and natural substitute for cleansers that include a lot of chemicals.

What Is Tea Tree Oil?

Video Credit: NutritionFacts.org

Tea tree oil is made from an Australian tea tree. It is also known as melaleuca oil. As an essential oil, tea tree oil may be used for its aromatherapeutic benefits, as a skin cleanser, or as a household cleaning solution.

Tea tree has long been used by Aboriginal Australians for its purifying powers, but it has a wide range of applications that may help maintain a cleaner environment, and healthier body, and get rid of unwelcome pests, germs, and bacteria.

Tea tree oil is widely recognized for having antibacterial, antifungal, antimicrobial, and antiseptic characteristics for individuals who choose a natural approach to caring for their homes and bodies. It has shown to be quite helpful in a variety of home, medicinal, and health uses.

9 Ways Tea Tree Oil Works in Your Home

Ways Tea Tree Oil Works in Your Home
Ways Tea Tree Oil Works in Your Home

Tea tree oil is a terrific start towards clean living, whether you’re hoping to purify your area, add aromatherapy into your cleaning routine, or are just trying to change your behaviours to be more environmentally friendly.

1: Natural Odor Eliminator

Tea tree oil has a pleasant scent and some natural air-purifying abilities. The ability of tea tree oil to improve the odour of any space is one of its most distinctive qualities. Consider Acuna’s premium whole home kit if you’re seeking an antimicrobial odour remover that can be used throughout the whole house.

This odour-eliminating set includes room spray, big and small tea tree gel pods, and a refill pouch—enough to give your house a fresher, cleaner scent. Why choose anything else for your house when tea tree oil has so many potent benefits, such as odour neutralization and preventing mould and mildew?

2: Better Smells for Your Gym Bag

The ability of tea tree oil to purify and neutralize the air against germs, mounds, mildew, and fungus is one of its most potent qualities. Not only do you want to get rid of odours from your gym bags, and house, but you probably also want to take care of any areas that might support the formation of mounds and mildew.

One of these areas is the gym, where a humid environment may encourage the development of germs, or mound and mildew growth in your gym bags. The Acuna compact gym bag treatment includes a thick, non-spilling gel that disperses an odour-neutralising formula based on tea tree oil for up to 90 days. You may compare it to doing your laundry without changing it.

3: Protect Fruits and Veggies against Mold

Fresh fruits and vegetables are an essential component of any diet that is balanced. They are often vulnerable to grey mounds, however. Your fruits and vegetables could mound more quickly than ours if you live in a warmer place than we do.

Compounds in tea tree oil help prevent mounds from forming on your fresh fruit. In fact, you may prevent mound formation by properly drying out your fruits and vegetables and rinsing your goods in a solution of diluted tea tree oil.

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4: Pet Lovers, Tea Tree Oil Is Here

If you own a pet, you are aware of how unpleasant it may smell after spending all day at the dog park or playing with her toys. Pet toys and beds can hold odours that may spread throughout your whole house.

The purifying qualities of tea tree oil also benefit your pet’s toys and bed in addition to your clothing and house. Your pet’s next cuddle session will be more pleasant if you wash soft toys in pet bedding with a natural detergent and a few drops of tea tree oil.

5: Nobody Likes a Stinky Sponge

Hand washing the dishes may be calming and contemplative. However, you may be less inclined to volunteer to clean the dishes the following time if your sponge leaves you with odorous hands.

Even while sponges clean your dishes, they are the ideal environment for germs to flourish. Put one drop of tea tree oil per ounce of water to make a dilution, and then soak your sponges in it. If you let the sponge dry fully, it will not only smell nicer but also probably have fewer germs on it.

6: Say Goodbye to Unwelcome Pests

The ability of tea tree oil to keep unwanted pests like ants and spiders out of the house is one of its more intriguing applications. Filling a spray bottle with water and adding a few drops of tea tree oil is one of the simplest methods to keep outside pests who are looking for a new home or snack.

Apply this diluted tea tree solution to doorframes, window frames, and any other crevices that might be pest entry points. Tea tree oil is perfectly safe for human usage, however, many insects may be poisoned by it since it is a natural insect repellent. Your home will smell wonderful and be free of pests thereafter.

7: Stinky Garbage? Try Tea Tree

Does tea tree oil have any limitations? After cleaning your home and taking out the trash, there’s nothing worse than a rotting trash can. Avoid letting that odour permeate and take over your house. You may clean the interior of your trash can and disinfect that can by using this tea tree oil-based cleaning spray from Acuna. The offensive odour will quickly disappear if you allow it to fully air dry before placing it in a bag.

8: Clean Your Washer and Boost Your Laundry

Tea tree oil may be used straight to laundry loads to increase freshness in addition to being used to clean your washer. Drop a few tablespoons into your empty washer, run it on high or with an empty spin cycle, and watch it work its magic to clean out your washer of any mildew or weird odours!

However, you may add a teaspoon of tea tree oil straight to your next load of clothes if you’re interested in incorporating it into your regular washing regimen. Your clothing will smell fresher thanks to tea tree oil’s odor-neutralising abilities, which also provide an all-natural, chemical-free aromatherapy boost.

9: Tea Tree Oil Beyond the Home

Tea tree oil has several functions that support your health and well-being in addition to its advantages for your house. As a skin clarifier, tea tree oil is one of the most widely used cleaning products. Tea tree oil may be used topically to encourage a clean complexion, especially if your skin is oily or acne-prone.

Tea tree oil has cleaning characteristics that make it useful for treating wounds, and fungus-caused nail infections, and even for relaxing sensitive skin. Tea tree has so many advantages and uses that extend outside the home, but one of its most potent use is to enhance your household cleaning procedures.

What are the benefits of tea tree oil for cleaning?

Tea tree oil offers several benefits for cleaning due to its natural antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral properties. It can effectively kill germs and bacteria on surfaces, making it a great disinfectant. Additionally, tea tree oil can help remove mould, mildew, and odours from various surfaces. Its non-toxic nature makes it a safer alternative to chemical cleaners, especially in households with pets and children. However, it’s important to dilute tea tree oil properly before use, as it can be strong in its concentrated form.

How Careful Do You Have To Be With Tea Tree Oil?

How Careful Do You Have To Be With Tea Tree Oil
How Careful Do You Have To Be With Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil is typically safe, but there are always measures to take. Tea tree oil may be used to clean fruits and vegetables, disinfect toothbrushes, and deodorize loads of laundry, but it should not be consumed. Children should not have access to pure tea tree oil since it might be hazardous if consumed.

If you have sensitive skin, test a small quantity of tea tree oil on a patch of skin and wait a day to see if it causes any adverse responses. Just as tea tree oil shouldn’t be consumed by people, neither should your furry pals, whose beds now smell much nicer thanks to tea tree. This is especially true of the pure, highly concentrated version.

In general, tea tree oil should not be used directly on the skin of animals or consumed by people; instead, it should be diluted before usage, unless it is being used as a skin cleanser.


Tea tree oil is a powerful and environmentally friendly way to start, whether you’re searching for a house with more clarity or a natural approach to purify and clean your area. Consider a safer and more natural alternative the next time you’re in the supermarket’s cleaning goods section. However, you may discover that buying pure tea tree oil and items made with tea tree oil online is a more practical solution.

Tea tree oil is a natural, non-chemical, efficient method to clean your house and leave it feeling fresh without having to worry about introducing harsh chemicals. Do your homework and make sure you don’t have any sensitivities to tea tree oil, as you would with any substance that could come into touch with your skin. Better air quality, fewer allergies, and a healthier and more supportive you are all benefits of cleaner air in your house.


Q1: What is tea tree oil?

Tea tree oil is an essential oil derived from the leaves of Melaleuca alternifolia, a plant native to Australia. It has been used for centuries due to its natural antimicrobial and antiseptic properties.

Q2: Can we use tea tree oil for cleaning?

Yes, tea tree oil can be used for cleaning due to its natural antibacterial and antifungal properties. It can effectively help disinfect surfaces and remove mould and mildew. However, it should be diluted properly before use, as it is highly concentrated.

Q3: How do I make a cleaning solution using tea tree oil?

You can make a simple cleaning solution by mixing 2 cups of water with 2 teaspoons of tea tree oil. This mixture can be stored in a spray bottle and used as needed. Shake well before each use.

Q4: Can tea tree oil be used to clean all surfaces?

While tea tree oil is safe for many surfaces, it should not be used on certain materials such as plastic, rubber, painted surfaces, or varnished surfaces. Always do a small spot test first to ensure it doesn’t cause discolouration.

Q5: How does tea tree oil work as a cleaner?

Tea tree oil’s effectiveness as a cleaner is primarily due to its antimicrobial properties. It is known to kill common household germs and bacteria, and it can even be effective against certain types of mould and mildew.

Q6: Is tea tree oil good for cleaning?

Yes, tea tree oil is effective for cleaning due to its antibacterial and antifungal properties. It can be used to create natural cleaning solutions for disinfecting surfaces and eliminating mould and odours. Dilution is essential due to its potency.

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